Police have been called into investigate a 3 foot long unexploded World War Two bomb at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan.
The bomb was found by workers building a car park near the disaster zone, according to a spokesman for Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO).
Rt.com reports: Police are investigating the nature of the device and exploring disposal options if it is confirmed to contain explosives, Mainichi reports.
On March 11, 2011 a major earthquake triggered a tsunami which struck the six-reactor plant, causing serious damage. Units 1-3 went into meltdown in what was the worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl in 1986.
The area surrounding the Fukushima plant was evacuated during the crisis, and tens of thousands of people remain displaced.
AFP reports that a Japanese military airport was in the area close to the Fukushima plant during World War II, and was targeted by US bombers.